Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Little Flowergirl ~ Brady's Wedding

My cousin, Brady, was married this past weekend and Isabelle was one of the flowergirls. She takes this role very seriously and LOVES every minute of it! (In August she was a flowergirl for Jason's cousin, Katie as well.) She did just as she was told... all with the promise of a "dance party" later that evening.

Isabelle thought it was pretty neat to go to the salon to get her "up-do" for the wedding. Although she wasn't so keen on the "hot curls" that touched her ears. Her comparison: Mommy as she exclaimed, "But your curls aren't hot Mommy!"

Ready for the wedding... unbeknownst to her, she still has several hours until pictures even begin! ;) My beautiful little girl!
She and the other flowergirl, Katie made friends right away.

Walking down the aisle... I didn't get very many shots because I was more concerned about her long dress and the candles.

Waiting ever so patiently as the bride and groom dance their first dance. She wanted so desperately to get out there! This was after I'd already pulled her off the dance floor once.

Finally... the "dance party" (as she refers to the reception) started!

Dancing with cousing Nicholas- she just adores him!

Pulling cousin Tristan by the hand... already letting the boys know she's boss!

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