Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our beautiful girls

Grandma Deb enjoys photography and so I don't object to the girls being her cutest subjects! The photos below are all ones that she took in the first few weeks after Sophia was born.
Already playing dress-up together :)

Isabelle's Christmas dress ... she loved playing with the gold snowflakes!

This is a familiar face as of late... she's always up to (or into) something! One of her latest sayings: "Oh my child!" Not really sure where she came up with that one, but I often think I should borrow it from her!

This is a quick family photo taken just before Christmas. It's rare that we get Jason to pose for a picture so we have to take it when we can get it!

My sweet little baby ~ 2 1/2 weeks old

Isabelle LOVES being a big sister! She does a great job being gentle with Sophia... something I may have stressed just slightly ;)

Our little angel ... I love this picture because I think my hand gives perspective to how tiny she was. She'll always be my little peanut! In fact, when I first saw her, Dr. Brink said, "Here's your little peanut!"

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