Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Little Flowergirl ~ Brady's Wedding

My cousin, Brady, was married this past weekend and Isabelle was one of the flowergirls. She takes this role very seriously and LOVES every minute of it! (In August she was a flowergirl for Jason's cousin, Katie as well.) She did just as she was told... all with the promise of a "dance party" later that evening.

Isabelle thought it was pretty neat to go to the salon to get her "up-do" for the wedding. Although she wasn't so keen on the "hot curls" that touched her ears. Her comparison: Mommy as she exclaimed, "But your curls aren't hot Mommy!"

Ready for the wedding... unbeknownst to her, she still has several hours until pictures even begin! ;) My beautiful little girl!
She and the other flowergirl, Katie made friends right away.

Walking down the aisle... I didn't get very many shots because I was more concerned about her long dress and the candles.

Waiting ever so patiently as the bride and groom dance their first dance. She wanted so desperately to get out there! This was after I'd already pulled her off the dance floor once.

Finally... the "dance party" (as she refers to the reception) started!

Dancing with cousing Nicholas- she just adores him!

Pulling cousin Tristan by the hand... already letting the boys know she's boss!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Winter: Part II

My posh little Sophia ~ 2 months old

I LOVE THIS PHOTO! This is one of my favorite pictures of Isabelle... she is our little drama queen for sure! This is the flowergirl dress she'll be wearing for my cousin Brady's wedding in March.

She loves to stick out her tongue!

Isabelle sylin' in her cute new specs! We had to take her to the eye doctor in February after being referred by her pediatrician and she ended up with glasses. She picked out two pairs and so far, neither have broken! She's been great about wearing them and likes to point out all others who have glasses like her. She also has to wear an eye patch each day for 2 hours which has taken more getting used to, but she has been a trooper! So proud of her!

Just being cute with her "Big Sister" sticker on from our church group!

Sophia ~ 3 months old

Sophia posing in her coming home outfit which she was finally able to wear at 6 weeks old!

Isabelle claiming defeat after we built a snowman... she was SO tired!

Another sleepy car ride :)

Isabelle lovin' her sister. She likes to hold Sophia, but it is always short lived.

Sophia got this super cute tutu from our friend Melanie. As you can see, she's not convinced that she likes it so well... a little overwhelming in this pic at 2 months!

Daddy and his little girl... and yes, that's another tutu. Jason refuses to changer her diaper when she's wearing such outfits. As if he is eager to do it ever!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Winter: Part I

I LOVED having time in December and January with just my girls! With the not so lovely weather outside, and our attempts to keep Sophia healthy, we spent much of our time at home!
Isabelle likes to read to her little sister. She also likes to just take her little sister's books. I just hope that she remembers this when Sophia's able to borrow her books!

Sophia and her "lamb-bunny", as Isabelle calls it. Isabelle got a little bunny blanket like this when she was a baby and she still sleeps with it to this day. So, when Grandma Nina got Sophia a lamb one, Isabelle insisted it was a lamb-bunny. :)

Our little princesses!

December 21: Sophia's actual due date ~ Weight: 5 lbs. 11 oz.
3 weeks later, on her due date, she had gained a pound! We were so proud of her!!
This is a baby scale that we rented from the hospital to watch her weight gain since I was nursing. With her small size, we were concerned about her weight gain and didn't want to wait until her appointments at 2 weeks and a month to make sure she was taking enough! Yes, I do know that I am an obsessive worrier... always have been about my babies! Apparently, that will never change?!
Isabelle LOVES the snow and wanted to play in it everytime there was even a dusting of the white stuff!

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful holiday! Blessed with two beautiful little girls, Jason and I received all that we had been wishing for! I just LOVE Christmas time! Isabelle had fun making sugar cookies. She mostly liked frosting them and licking her fingers ;)

Santa was here!! What a truly magical time for children-- I loved every minute of it!

This is one of my favorite pics! Tools and a tutu... love it! There's another one where she's all dolled up in her dress up clothes and playing with tractors. Priceless!

Isabelle was very proud of her gingerbread house! I finally convinced her to toss it in January with the promise to make another next Christmas.

Mommy and Sophia ~ Christmas Eve

Sophia and Isabelle under the Christmas tree :)

Sophia fit snug in the Santa hat... I think she may have been questioning what Grandma Deb was up to. :)

Sophia posing with her Christmas "loot".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

My birthday princess turned 3 on December 9!

Isabelle started planning her 3rd birthday party in August. One of her favorite things to do this past summer was to go with me to the farmer's market. So, all on her own, she decided she wanted to have a "farmer's market" birthday party. It became quite the challenge for Jason and me to pinpoint exactly what she was looking for in a farmer's market party. When all was said and done, she loved her party and we all got quite a few laughs as she sold items from her stand at the "farmer's market" to all of her party guests. :) Fortunately for us, she doesn't completely have the concept of dates down. Her party was originally planned for December 5. Since Sophia arrived early on Decmeber 1 and we came home from the hospital on December 4, we decided to postpone the party until the following weekend. She was just as happy when we told her that Sophia decided to come early so that she could be at her party! :)
She's a big girl now!

Opening presents with Mommy, Daddy and Sophia- her favorite gift was this band set. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I purchased it ;)

Jason and Isabelle reading one of her new books. This girl LOVES to read!

Our beautiful girls

Grandma Deb enjoys photography and so I don't object to the girls being her cutest subjects! The photos below are all ones that she took in the first few weeks after Sophia was born.
Already playing dress-up together :)

Isabelle's Christmas dress ... she loved playing with the gold snowflakes!

This is a familiar face as of late... she's always up to (or into) something! One of her latest sayings: "Oh my child!" Not really sure where she came up with that one, but I often think I should borrow it from her!

This is a quick family photo taken just before Christmas. It's rare that we get Jason to pose for a picture so we have to take it when we can get it!

My sweet little baby ~ 2 1/2 weeks old

Isabelle LOVES being a big sister! She does a great job being gentle with Sophia... something I may have stressed just slightly ;)

Our little angel ... I love this picture because I think my hand gives perspective to how tiny she was. She'll always be my little peanut! In fact, when I first saw her, Dr. Brink said, "Here's your little peanut!"

Heading Home

Our family... the day before we went home from the hospital.

I thought it would be cute to have Sophia wear the same "The best gifts come in small packages" onesie that Isabelle wore home from the hospital. It was a little big on Isabelle, but Sophia was swimming in it. :)

Sophia had to do a "test drive" in her carseat since she was so small. The nurses had to monitor her vitals while they simulated a car ride for an hour in the nursery. She did pretty well, but did not pass due to her weight ~ 4 lbs. 12 oz. when we were discharged. We had to rent a special carseat from Blank Children's Hospital that she used for the first 6 weeks.

Arriving home!!

Isabelle (and apparently Chloe) were very excited to show Sophia her new house and especially her bedroom. She even decorated the door with welcome home signs!