Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spectacular Spectacles, Easter & More

Happy Easter! We had a wonderful day celebrating! We enjoyed a beautiful Easter service at St. John's with a terrific sermon and gorgeous music, as always! Before church, I attempted to capture a picture of the girls. It's getting near impossible to get my two beautiful little girls to a) actually look at the camera and b) actually be smiling when I take the photo. Therefore, here is the best I got of the girls in their dresses Easter morning. I still think it's pretty darn cute :)

Here is one of Miss Belles in her new glasses. She is very proud to tell that she picked the two new pairs out all by herself. She picked this black pair and a purple pair :) I think they make her look so grown up! The reason for new glasses-- her eyesight is improving!! Yay!

Sophia also had an eye appointment this past week and she will be keeping the same glasses for now. Everything continues to look good overall. Upon reviewing her most recent MRI and his exam of the optic nerves, our pediatric opthamologist contends with Sophie's neurologist. He too believes her condition is static-- a periventricular leukomalacia rather than leukodystrophy (which is degenerative). Once again, I thank God for our many blessings! Praise Him! And praise all of the wonderful doctors and therapists that take such wonderful care of our baby girl!

Sophie is so proud of her finds Easter morning!

Isabelle was very quick to scout almost all of the eggs and even left the ones down low for her sister. She was very intrigued by the Easter bunny this year... wanting to know exactly how he gets in our house. She also made a keen observation while visiting the Easter bunny at my aunt's work... as the Easter bunny exited, she exclaimed, "That wasn't the real Easter bunny. I saw skin on his arm, just like ours." Hmm...

Sophia enjoyed coloring Easter eggs... or rather just wanted to throw the eggs and splash in the dye.

My big girl coloring eggs :)

The girls recently helped their friends Brenna and Alexa celebrate their birthdays at Monkey Joe's. Isabelle was in heaven! She anticipated it from the moment the invitation came and is still talking about it weeks after. Sophia even got to try out one of the inflatables for the young babes (with Mommy holding her on the different inflatables)... she wasn't so sure of all the toddlers jumping all around her, but seemed happy enough with her first experience.

Playdate at the park! Loving this beautiful weather!!

Sophia loves going to the park too... or just our backyard. As long as there is a swing, she is thrilled. To date, "swing" is one of her most popular requests by sign :)

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