Thursday, March 22, 2012

health update on our little warrior!

Sophia has had a few different appointments in the past few weeks and so I wanted to share the outcome of those. To sum it all up: We are very optimistic and hopeful and certainly grateful!

In early March, Sophia was seen by her gastroenterologist. At this time, he is pleased with her weight gain. While she has been slow to gain, she has not lost weight!! She now weighs 18lbs. 6 oz. :) While he would still like her to have a higher level of fluid intake, he feels that she is healthy and that we do not need to consider a g-tube placement (feeding tube) at this time!! Needless to say, we were elated with this news. She does continue to struggle with eating and drinking in general, as well as her reflux, so she will remain on her medication and medical food supplements. As I've mentioned, she also has a feeding goal now in which she receives therapy from her OT so we hope to be able to move forward with her texture issues and gagging. We continue to work with a nutritionist as well so we are thankful for the many supports.

She also had her 15 month check-up with her pediatrician who continues to be pleased with her progress. As usual, Sophie charmed her with smiles, blowing kisses, and her overall happy nature! She weighed 18lbs. 6oz. and her height was 29 3/4 in. She's a growin' girl!

Finally, we had an appointment with her pediatric neurologist at Blank. After talking with us and observing Sophia (along with her reading of the MRI done back in December that showed "no change"), she said that it is all "very encouraging". Honestly, upon leaving the appointment, I was disappointed. There is always that want and need for more information. I dared to ask her opinion of the original diagnosis of cerebral palsy and she still believes that Sophia has moderate CP. Unfortunately, I was reminded once again that only time will tell and that we have to be hopeful and push forward based on the progress she continues to make. We are SO PROUD of her! I know that I say that a lot, but those words simply do not do justice to the pride we feel on a daily basis. Even Isabelle gets excited about all of the things her little sister is doing! At this time, her doctor does not feel we need to do another MRI for at least a year, unless we would see a regression in skills or any indication of seizures... both fears that I try very hard not to think about. The fact that she does not see the need for another MRI anytime soon is promising, as she indicated that she believes an MRI would show no change. She also commented on Sophia's obvious understanding of what is going on around her. As parents, we have no doubts that she is cognitively very aware... of everything! However, it is such a relief to hear her doctors and therapists support that as well. So, while I initially felt a little disappointment, Jason helped me to see that it was actually a good appointment... and with that, we believe whole-heartedly in those words that the doctor shared upon leaving the room... "It is all very encouraging."

For all of the support, for all of the prayers, for all of the encouragement... we thank you!!

*Look for an update soon on our Miss Belles who will be sporting some new specs in a week or so! She picked them out all by herself (with a little guidance) and looks so cute!

Last of all, I wanted to share this link. It is a blog that I read regularly, written by a mother who has a son with CP. I like to believe that there is a reason that I read this particular post. Enjoy-- I think it's a great read for all!

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