Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Sophia!

We celebrated Sophia's 2nd birthday with two special days.  Her actual birthday is December 1st and we celebrated this day as a family with just the four of us.  On December 2nd we had a party with grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!  The theme for her party was "Cookies & Milk" with Cookie Monster as a side kick!  I had high hopes that she could eat a bite or two of cookie as she can not handle the texture of cake.  She loved looking at the cookies, but had no interest in trying them once the candles were removed.  Oh well! ;)  She loved all of the attention and really got into blowing out her candles. :)
Happy Birthday to Sophia!!

Ready for the action to begin! 

Gift opening :) She loved this part, of course!

 At the party, the kids made snowman crafts using old milk jugs.  Sophia worked diligently on hers and Isabelle is showing off her finished product!

Sophia loves checking out the gifts under the tree!  The first round of gifts is always the girls' birthday gifts... and then come the Christmas gifts.  It's been quite confusing for Sophia as she thinks she should get to open them all whenever she wants.
Signing "bird" :)  She has a bird pattern on her birthday "2" shirt and also she likes to find the bird hidden in our Christmas tree.

So excited about her birthday balloons!

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