Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Isabelle!

It gets harder every year to believe that my babies are growing up.  I can not believe that we were blessed with our first little miracle five years ago... but she proves to us each and every day that she is, in fact, growing up!  We are so proud of our Miss Isabelle!  She is a budding artist, a beautiful singer, so smart that at times it makes me stop in my tracks, and she has such a big heart.  We love her dearly!  We celebrated her birthday over the course of a weekend as well.  On Friday, she was able to take treats to preschool to celebrate with her friends and teachers (cake pops were her choice so I had my first experience creating those...)!  On Saturday, she had six lovely young ladies join us for an afternoon of games, pizza, more cake pops and more fun!  We had a great time!  Finally, her actual birthday arrived on Sunday, December 9th... although she'll tell you that it wasn't actually her birthday until 9:30 that night.  She was very insistent about this ;)  We started the day by playing with the newly fallen snow (see below), gift opening and a family brunch.  We then spent the day playing with many of her new toys and enjoyed dinner at Felix & Oscars (her favorite pizza place-- with the "tall pizza" or rather, Chicago style).  She even experienced a little magic with the table side magician that simply amazed her!  We ended the evening with a tradition... a showing of The Polar Express... her favorite this time of year!  It was a great day!
Our birthday princess with her beloved crown that her teachers at school made for her.

A favorite gift...thank you Great Grandma Patty & Great Grandpa Leonard :)

She allowed Sophie to be near while opening her gifts...sharing was another story!

My dear friend Tiffany always spoils the girls.  This was one of Isabelle's first gifts she opened and she was ecstatic about it!  The girl loves to write!!  I hope she'll always follow this passion!

Isabelle chose to have a Hello Kitty birthday party and loved every minute of it!

Playing "Pass the Kitty" at her party :)  The girls had a great time and were all so sweet!  Sophie was right up there with them for all the fun!

Isabelle & her friend Emily!  She was so excited to have her friends over and loved all of her gifts!

Isabelle's birthday wish came true... SNOW!  She was born during a snow and ice storm and she has always had a snowy birthday to date!

Isabelle was so excited to get some more Lego Friends for her birthday!

She loves to play kitchen/restaurant with her sister and friends so this pizza parlor gift was perfect for her!

So... I guess the cake pops did me in because Isabelle's actual cake was a bit of a flop this year :(  Still tasted great though and served the purpose of holding her five candles!  She was happy!

Mother of the year moment: Hand your child a cake pop at her birthday party with five lit candles... oops...  melting wax is very hot.  Thanks to Dad for saving the day!  It only took a short while to calm my drama queen.  :)

Our own little Merida with her stylish hat and some of her loot surrounding her!

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