Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sophia Update ~ December 7, 2011

We were very excited that, after taking all dairy away, Sophia did not vomit for two full weeks. Unfortunately, we seem to be back to the way of old. She has been sick everyday for almost a week again now. Along with that, she is eating less again and her fluid intake has dropped. We had a follow up with the GI doctor yesterday and unfortunately, his prognosis remains the same... while she does have reflux, her condition is one that has a neurological base. So, while we can continue to try different things, it is likely going to be an ongoing issue. Diet does not seem to be playing a role, other than the milk protein sensitivity (and the doctors are not really even convinced of that). She continues to work through feeding and sensory issues at home and with a therapist and she will continue to be on her medication for the reflux. In addition, we are trying another medical grade toddler formula and we have started a prescribed supplement called Benecalorie which mixes in her food to give her extra calories. Finally, once we try this new formula for 2 weeks, if nothing has changed, we may try a new medication which is actually an antihistamine. Research in pediatrics has shown that as a side effect, this medications increases appetite and helps regulate the stomach. While we hate the idea of her being on so many supplements and medications, we want to do all we can to help her. She continues to grow... at least in length! At her 12 month wellness check last Friday, she was at the 50th percentile for height! Unfortunately, at 16 lbs. 8 oz. she has dropped to the 1st percentile for weight. We continue to pray that she will be able to eat well and ENJOY it!
Finally, Sophia is scheduled to have her second MRI today. We are nervous but hopeful. Faith can carry you a long way. We appreciate prayers for her today as she goes through the procedure and for the outcome as they compare the two MRIs, which we will likely not know until next week. She will be put under today which is always a scary risk with a little one. I know she'll be our warrior once again though!

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