Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Isabelle!

Our dear sweet Belles turned 4 on December 9th! She had a countdown that started in November. Her patience was definitely tested as she helped to celebrate her sister's birthday on the 1st. No worries though... she still has us wrapped around her little finger and she opened a few presents early. We also had a fairy birthday party for the girls on December 4... more photos to come!
Ready to dive into her chocolate raspberry cake!
Isabelle has a slight fascination with Junie B. Jones after seeing a production at the DSM Playhouse just before Thanksgiving (thank you Aunt Andrea!). She was given 3 different Junie B. books for her birthday and we are already well into the second one. The reading teacher in Mommy is quite impressed with how well she remembers the storyline from chapter to chapter and how she uses her imagination, as there are very few pictures in these chapter books.
Although she wasn't quite as impressed with clothes, as she has been in years past, this photo still captured some excitement. In another moment, she told me, "It's really not that cute" with a pouty little look on her face. I think that may be just the beginning of my payback :)

Sophia Update ~ December 14, 2011

Sophie had her follow up MRI last Thursday at Blank. It was a rough go... before the MRI even began. We were there for over 5 hours and our poor babe was stuck like a pin cushion. After 3 tries to put in her IV with no success and a wailing, terrified child, I remembered what a good friend had shared with me. We requested that the pediatric transport team be called in to do her IV. While our nurses were wonderful, the pediatric transport team only works with children and they are highly specialized as they are based in the ER. After one failed attempt by the pediatric transport team, they said they were going to have to put the IV in her head. Sick to my stomach and crying at that point, the other team member tried and succeeded in putting the IV in her other foot. Yay for Scott! We were able to stay with her while they administered the anesthesia (unlike at Mercy). Jason and I decided we weren't sure we liked that any better... it is very unnerving watching your child be put under. Once again though, she was our warrior and did wonderful through the whole procedure. She even woke up without much fuss and took a full bottle... as you know this is unheard of these days for Miss Soph! I guess we just need to make her fast from 6 AM on and then she'll eat at 4 PM :)
We were told that the pediatric radiologist would have her report completed by that evening and that we should hear from our doctors the following day with the initial read. This was much sooner than we had anticipated and we were obviously anxious, but terrified at the thought of what this MRI could determine for our little girl. The call from our pediatrician came Friday morning while one of Sophia's home therapists was here. Too nervous to answer my cell I intentionally missed the call, but then they immediately called the house phone. I knew I needed to answer and Heidi, Soph's OT, encouraged me to do so. I think I literally held my breath once I said hello. She cut right to the chase and said that Sophia's MRI came back with NO CHANGE! This is what we have been praying for! So, while there were tears, they were tears of joy. We then heard from Sophia's neurologist at Blank on Monday confirming the results of the scan. She said that this indicates that the injury appears static-- meaning no change which leads us to even greater hope that her condition is not progressive. The MRI was also sent to the neurologist at Mayo and to Dr. Ramsey, her physiatrist. We actually meet with Dr. Ramsey next week so we will be anxious to visit with him and get his opinions as well.

Once again, we thank you for all of the prayers said on Sophia's behalf. God is good ... prayers have been answered!
Other news:
Sophia continues to do well in her therapies. She was recently cast for SMOs (ankle braces) for standing support. We should get those in the next few weeks. Sophia will be getting her first walker in January. Because she is still not crawling, we want to give her a venue for mobility. Mobility at this age is crucial for continued cognitive development. This smarty pants continues to impress us daily with what she has learned and all that she does! We are SO very proud of her!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sophia Update ~ December 7, 2011

We were very excited that, after taking all dairy away, Sophia did not vomit for two full weeks. Unfortunately, we seem to be back to the way of old. She has been sick everyday for almost a week again now. Along with that, she is eating less again and her fluid intake has dropped. We had a follow up with the GI doctor yesterday and unfortunately, his prognosis remains the same... while she does have reflux, her condition is one that has a neurological base. So, while we can continue to try different things, it is likely going to be an ongoing issue. Diet does not seem to be playing a role, other than the milk protein sensitivity (and the doctors are not really even convinced of that). She continues to work through feeding and sensory issues at home and with a therapist and she will continue to be on her medication for the reflux. In addition, we are trying another medical grade toddler formula and we have started a prescribed supplement called Benecalorie which mixes in her food to give her extra calories. Finally, once we try this new formula for 2 weeks, if nothing has changed, we may try a new medication which is actually an antihistamine. Research in pediatrics has shown that as a side effect, this medications increases appetite and helps regulate the stomach. While we hate the idea of her being on so many supplements and medications, we want to do all we can to help her. She continues to grow... at least in length! At her 12 month wellness check last Friday, she was at the 50th percentile for height! Unfortunately, at 16 lbs. 8 oz. she has dropped to the 1st percentile for weight. We continue to pray that she will be able to eat well and ENJOY it!
Finally, Sophia is scheduled to have her second MRI today. We are nervous but hopeful. Faith can carry you a long way. We appreciate prayers for her today as she goes through the procedure and for the outcome as they compare the two MRIs, which we will likely not know until next week. She will be put under today which is always a scary risk with a little one. I know she'll be our warrior once again though!

Happy 1st Birthday Sophia!

Sophia celebrated her FIRST birthday on December 1! She really enjoyed the whole birthday thing... she's got the gift opening down and definitely loved being the center of attention.
Getting ready for her smash cake :)
... liking the candle and singing :)
NOT so sure about the cake. There wasn't a whole lot of "smashing" or much tasting. Probably for the better since we are pretty sure it would have made her sick :(
Soph enjoying one of her new books while relaxing in her new storage bench!
Birthday cake that Mommy made for Miss Soph :)