Monday, August 20, 2012


August 8th marked one year since our lives changed forever... if only we could have known then how love and faith would carry us through and make us stronger... and happier... than we ever imagined. 

Below is the email letter that I sent out to family and friends... I wanted to post it here too, just in case I missed anyone unintentionally.

Much love,


It has been one year today since we learned that an MRI of Sophia's brain was "abnormal".  Less than a week later, she was given thelikely diagnosis of cerebral palsy with right hemiplegia.  The past year has been a whirlwind-- in so many ways-- but especially emotionally.  Initial fear and devastation gave way to acceptance and a true sense of belief in God's plan for our little girl and for our family.  Perhaps most importantly, we held on to JOY.  How could we not with our beautiful, loving little girls?!  I have never lost sight of my greatest blessings.  Sidling up to joy is PRIDE.  Pride in Isabelle because she sees only her sister and what she can do.  Pride in Sophia because she knows no bounds.  Pride that swells in my heart each and everyday becausethey are mine and because she is defying the odds.  One year ago, we did not know if Sophia's diagnosis was degenerative.  We did not know if she wouldever do what comes so easily to so many... roll, sit, crawl, walk, talk.  We did not know how impacted her cognitive skills would be.  And one year later, she continues to amaze us... with her ready smile, her infectious laugh, her sassy personality, her drive to get what she wants, and all of the milestones-- big and small-- that she has worked so hard to achieve.  She can now roll over, she can sit up, she can get herself around by scooting, she can sign almost 30 signs to help her communicate, she has learned how to get into sitting and kneeling independently, she is attempting to crawl, she can stand with support, she can take steps with assistance from an adult or her walker.  While there is still so much that we don't know, wedo know that we are all moving forward and Sophie is rockin' it!  She is simply amazing!  She is our warrior!  She is smart, she is loving, and she is happy!

 The reason that I am writing is not only to celebrate our little girl, but to share my gratitude with each of you.  You may never know how your words, actions, and just "being there" helped carry me (us) through those darker days.  Whether you lifted us up in prayer, shared your love and encouragement through words and kind gestures, or literally sat by my side, holding my hand and wiping my tears...I can never explain the depth of my gratitude for lending me your strength and helping me begin to heal my broken heart.  I was lucky.  I never let go of hope and though some days were beyond difficult, I never lost my faith.  I thank each of you for helping me to find my way and for loving my family, my girls.  They are my everything.

Finally, I want to share a quote (one of many I wrote down for future reference-- a bit of self-help and therapy if you will :)  It is taken from a book that I highly, highly recommend to any and all of you--Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected by Kelle Hampton. 

"The thing is, we don't really know what the future looks like.  And that thought takes my breath away just as much as it calms me into a place where I am forced to enjoy this very moment."

How very true that is for all of us... I am so grateful that I get to live this life and enjoy all of these moments.


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