Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my wonderful family and friends! I am so grateful for each of you, for the support and strength that each of you lends, and for all of the laughter and happy times. I am most thankful for my two beautiful little girls and my husband. I am so blessed!
Jason and I are also extremely thankful for what seems to be a significant turn-around for Sophia. A week ago today, Jason and I were feeling very down as Sophia's eating, fluid intake and vomiting seemed only to be getting worse. We poured over the logs we've kept and the only possibility we could see is that maybe she still had a sensitivity to milk protein. Even though we had been told by many of the specialists we work with that she likely had outgrown this, we were grasping at anything to help our baby feel better. I contacted Sophia's pediatrician and GI doc to tell them our concerns and what we thought we should do as a next step. Both doctors agreed that this was a legitimate next step and Dr. Manini (GI) switched her from Pediasure to a product called Pediasure Peptide that does not contain milk protein and is mostly broken down already... similar to her Alimentum formula. As of last Friday, we cut out all dairy and switched her to the Peptide. She continues to take her medication for reflux. In the last week, she has only vomited once, she has taken 2 full bottles a day and her demeanor overall when eating has been happier, and much more willing. We are thrilled with this improvement and are so grateful that we have perhaps figured out one piece of the puzzle. She is at least getting calories closer to what she needs and keeping them in! She still is not taking in the level of fluids that doctors want her to but it is much, much improved! We have great hope for this as well!

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