Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, I'm falling behind on my updates again! We have stayed busy as always, enjoying the beautiful weather we've had recently. The girls are both doing well. Isabelle is 3 1/2 now and Sophia turned 6 months old on June 1. I know I always say this, but I really don't know where the time goes. My girls are growing up right before my eyes... bittersweet! Sophia has her wellness check-up today so we are anxious to see how much she's grown! She recently started eating her fruits and veggies as you'll see below and enjoys them very much... much more than her bottles! We are looking forward to summer as I will be home with just the girls. We have our list of outings planned! We hope you are all doing well. Enjoy the quick glimpse into our world!!

Isabelle enjoying a warm day by cooling off in the sprinkler. Her friend Emma came over and they ran in circles screaming for well over an hour. Good times!

Sophia has become intrigued by Chloe. If only Jason would share those feelings-- ever!

Celebration!! Sophia is 6 months old!!

Sophia eating her first veggie-- peas! Yum! She doesn't seem to mind any of them but definitely has a preference for fruit. Can't say I blame her!

Big smiles :)

Isabelle got to meet Curious George and Clifford at a book fair that we went to! She was elated!

My beautiful gardener planting her flowers she picked out. She is great at remembering to water them too... sometimes a little too much!

Miss Sophia really enjoys sitting upright now. She's not doing it on her own yet but can hold strong for a while in her bumbo or booster seat!

Isabelle and I had a tea party with "real" tea! She wasn't too keen on the tea but did enjoy the treats we had!

Sophia LOVES to help with feeding time. After each bite, she helps to shove it in her mouth. It's quite fun for all ;)

Isabelle enjoying a playdate with her friends Luke and Aubrey!

Luke and Aubrey holding Sophia-- they were so loving! So sweet :)

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