Friday, July 10, 2009

Always Having Fun!

Isabelle and I have had so much fun this summer! She loves being outside. She is learning so much each day. She is saying more and more words everyday and even starting to put two words together. Mommy is so proud... can't believe my baby is growing up.
Isabelle ready to start the 4th of July celebrations at our house. Too bad it was so cold this year! Unreal!

Isabelle LOVES her new "Cozy Coupe"! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Herberger!

Isabelle always wants to help me water the flowerbed. Most of the time she ends up with the water all over herself, but she thinks it is great fun!

Helping Mommy unload the groceries!

Isabelle helped her friend Elizabeth celebrate her 3rd birthday. They all had so much fun!

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