Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Little Pumpkin

All is well at the Karwal household! We are enjoying the little bit of fall weather we've had before it gets too cold. Although Isabelle was quite excited for our first snow that came in OCTOBER! I'll have to put those pics on the next post! Isabelle has been slightly obsessed with pumpkins. So for Halloween, she is quite excited to be "a punkin".

Elle cozied up with a few of her stuffed animals. She likes to read to them.

I took Isabelle to Iowa Orchards to get our pumpkins and some apple pie. She had so much fun!
This weekend, we are going to Jason's parents' house where she will get even more pumpkins from Grandma Deb's pumpkin patch.

She was in pure heaven at the pumpkin patch and kept trying to pick each of them up.

Isabelle attended Katie Karwal's baby shower with me in late September and we had the opportunity to get a picture of Elle with her two great grandmas on Jason's side-- Grandma Karwal (left) and Grandma Bourrette (right). As for the baby shower, she was utterly confused as we tried to explain that there was a baby in Katie's tummy. She kept lifting up Katie's shirt!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Silly girl!

Isabelle enjoys her Oreos :)

Isabelle & Cousin Jayda

This sums up what Isabelle thought of the Iowa State Fair. Actually, she loved it but by the end she was done with the stroller bit!

Isabelle & Daddy cheering on the Clones!

We took Isabelle to the parade for Waukeefest. She thought picking up the candy was the best thing ever... until we let her have a sucker.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Innocent Little Girl

Isabelle and Mommy at cousin Shawn's wedding. She loved all of it - the cake, music, dancing and the drinking too... see below.

She quickly ditched her sippy cup once she saw what Mommy and Grandma were drinking from. Aunt Melissa kept giving her "shots" of water in her glass.

Loving to paint... thank God it is washable!

Her hair is getting so long that I can now pull it back in a ponytail.
A "real" haircut is probably just around the corner.

Isabelle and Jayda love to build castles and then knock them down... it's certainly not a quiet, little girl thing. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Time Flies...

It is hard to believe that the summer, as we know it, is coming to an end. My fellow teachers report to work tomorrow and I get to stay home with my beautiful little girl. I couldn't be happier! While I will miss my students and colleagues greatly, nothing can replace this time with my precious little girl!!
Isabelle and Jayda... best friends... most of the time :)

Isabelle had so much fun at the Omaha Zoo this summer. She (and daddy) especially liked the monkeys.

Isabelle and Jayda feeding the ducks at Jordan Creek Town Center.

We had a luau at Grandma and Grandpa Karwal's house this summer. The kids (young and old) had so much fun!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Always Having Fun!

Isabelle and I have had so much fun this summer! She loves being outside. She is learning so much each day. She is saying more and more words everyday and even starting to put two words together. Mommy is so proud... can't believe my baby is growing up.
Isabelle ready to start the 4th of July celebrations at our house. Too bad it was so cold this year! Unreal!

Isabelle LOVES her new "Cozy Coupe"! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Herberger!

Isabelle always wants to help me water the flowerbed. Most of the time she ends up with the water all over herself, but she thinks it is great fun!

Helping Mommy unload the groceries!

Isabelle helped her friend Elizabeth celebrate her 3rd birthday. They all had so much fun!

Friday, June 26, 2009

More Fun in the Sun

Emily and Isabelle lounging in their pool chairs...
they know how it's done!

Isabelle loves the fountains at the pools. She is at the Ashby Park wading pool here.

Sporting some new shades... she actually left them on the entire 2 hours we were at the Farmer's Market last weekend!

Isabelle painted a red, white, and blue sun visor for our 4th of July celebration.

Isabelle has a new booster seat, but she preferred the old so we let her sit on the floor one night.

Summer Fun

Isabelle and Cousin Jace shared their musical talents when we were visiting Gma and Gpa Karwal!

Isabelle had so much fun at the Autism Walk!

Uh-oh. She's beautiful and she knows it!

Family photo opp at the Karwal's

Now that's my girl... an early lover of Starbuck's!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Enjoying the outdoors!

Isabelle loves being outside. We sometimes throw a bit of a tantrum when it is time to go inside. Yes, I know, hard to believe this little angel has a naughty streak. ;)

Isabelle loves to help me in the flowerbed. She even has her own watering can. She was helping with mulch on this day.

As you can see, most of it ends up on her instead of in the flowerbed. :)

Isabelle loves her swing! She calls it her "wee".
Morning, noon, and night she wants to go "wee".

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Little Isabelle

Isabelle is a true blessing to us and we are reminded of this again and again. Taking time to smell the flowers!

Isabelle feeding her baby doll... what a big girl!

Isabelle loved coloring Easter eggs! Mommy and Daddy were ready to be done after about two eggs. :)

For some reason, Isabelle loves to carry around Mommy's shoes. I think she thinks she can persuade me to go outside or "bye-bye" (both of which she loves to do) if she brings the shoes to me.

Isabelle loves to eat spaghetti... or any kind of noodles! She's even perfected slurping the noodles up.

Monday, April 6, 2009


We had a great spring break and enjoyed some beautiful weather and lots of playing outside. Wish I could say that the weather has continued to be warm. Unfortunately, we had to pull out our winter coats again yesterday as it was snowing! Ah... spring in Iowa! Isabelle helping Mommy celebrate her 30th birthday!

Isabelle loves riding her princess car outside now that we've had some warmer weather.

I know I always say this but... she's getting SO BIG!! We raised her kitchen up to the next level. She loves it!

Isabelle and Mommy walking around the lake at Jordan Creek Town Center-- she loved watching the goldfish!

Jason and I took Isabelle to the zoo over spring break. She had a blast. She especially liked the seals, monkeys, and the petting zoo. She called everything we saw either a kitty or a puppy... at least she gets that they're animals, right? :)