Saturday, October 11, 2008

A rough few weeks...

Isabelle has had a rough couple of weeks. As I've shared before, she was battling ear infections. The weekend before last she had a high fever two days in a row even while on antibiotics for the fourth time for her ears. We took her in to the doctor because the fever wouldn't break and they confirmed that her ears were not getting any better. First, they gave her two shots of Rocephin (antibiotics) that were so painful they dosed her with lidocaine simultaneously. (Not fun!!! She was so sad it made me cry!) Then, they referred us to an ENT and they got us in later that afternoon. The ENT doctor didn't want to waste any time and scheduled her to get tubes the following morning. I was very nervous about the anesthesia but she did great. By that afternoon, she was much happier. Her fever finally went away the next day and we thought we were on the road to health. Then, I noticed that the few red spots on her face from a few days prior had spread to her tummy and back. So... I called and they told me that it sounded like measles. So, needless to say, I was a bit panicked. We spread the word to everyone she had been around. The next day, the doctor had us come in again and they ran blood tests. They eventually ruled out measles and determined she had a virus. Her white counts were off so they had us come in the following day for another blood test. That was Friday and things finally started turning around. Needless to say, Isabelle is not so fond of the doctor's office, although she LOVES her doctor. No matter how yucky she feels, she always seems to have a smile for Dr. Stoll. So... last week she made it to daycare 4 days in a row before her fever came back. :( I was just sure that I had gotten water in her ears during bathtime and it was another ear infection, but when they had us come in, they said her ears looked great. She had caught a run of the mill daycare disease. She seems to be doing better today so we are really hoping her immune system is going to fight off anything else that comes her way!! Isabelle the day before her tubes were put in. You can't see them well, but she has band-aids on both legs from her Rocephin shots. Her legs were so sensitive, I kept pants off of her. She still has a bruise from the shots a week and a half later. :(

Isabelle and Mommy at home after her surgery to put tubes in. She was a trooper!

Isabelle spent much of the week in her jammies. She was entranced by Baby Einstein in this picture!


angieschu said...

She is just too cute. Aubrey looooves Baby Einstein, too. Thank goodness for whomever invented that!

Kellie said...

Oh poor thing. I hope she is fully recuperated and feeling better now.