Sunday, August 24, 2008

8 months and growing...

I am a bit behind on our blog! August has been a busy month. Isabelle is now completely sitting on her own and starting to act like she wants to crawl. She definitely has a way of getting the things she wants- even if it means she has to do the splits and reach so far that she ends up on her tummy to get it. She just recently got tooth #3... and it was a rough one. Along with that she experienced her first ear infection. It was not very fun for her... or Mommy and Daddy! Isabelle also started daycare last week when I went back to work. She is loving it! This picture was taken at 8 months. I used one similar in our district's beginning of the year slideshow. She was a star!

Isabelle loves Grandma's big pool best, but this pool was pretty fun too.

Getting ready to swim in the big pool!

Isabelle still loves to read her books... and chew on them too.

Isabelle had her first pedicure this weekend! Jason is in Memphis for work. We'll see what he thinks when he gets home. :)

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