Thursday, June 26, 2008

Swimming and such...

Isabelle went swimming for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa's house and absolutely loved it! After figuring out that it was similar to a bath, she was kicking away and even dunking her own face in the water! She liked lounging in the floaty too.

When Isabelle was born, Jason called her "Lemon Face" because of her puckered expression. So, I thought these pjs were cute!

Isabelle is working on tooth #2!Isabelle got to hang out with her friend Aubrey (daughter of our friends Angie and Kyle) earlier this week. The girls are four months apart.

Friday, June 20, 2008

First Tooth

Isabelle and I have been keeping very busy. We thought she had been teething for awhile now and on Saturday her first tooth broke through. She is not loving the teething thing and likes to wake up at night now crying and chewing furiously on things. Thank goodness for Baby Tylenol and Orajel!
Here she is the morning the tooth finally broke through. She does this funny thing with her hands and feet when she gets excited. Jason and I like to call it "The Ayden" as it mimics what her big cousin Ayden does.

We've been trying all sorts of new foods. She doesn't really care for pears (seen here) or sweet peas. Hmm... neither does Mommy!

Although she has been rolling over for a few months now, she still likes to take the leisurely way about it. She is never too anxious to do it.

Isabelle does so well in the car (usually)! She either sleeps or is completely happy and entertained. Here she is on our trip home to the Karwal's for Cousin Amanda's wedding last weekend.
Isabelle is still subjected to the ongoing Iowa vs. ISU rivalry. She got this onesie from her cousins Alexis and Tristan, but notice the book she's reaching for... I wonder who inspired that one?

Monday, June 9, 2008

6 months old!

Isabelle is 6 months old today! She is such a big girl!!
Isabelle loves her sweet potatoes!

Loving bathtime...

I can't wait to take her swimming for the first time!

She thinks she is pretty clever when she turns sideways in her crib. She is starting to like laying in her crib to watch her fish swim (Rainforest Soother). She cranes her neck and turns herself around so she can get the best view.

Isabelle and Mommy are having lots of fun this summer!

Isabelle really likes to sit propped up right now. She is working on sitting up more independently, but right now she still leans forward a bit too far!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Watermelon One

For those of you that know the story of "the watermelon one"... I guess Aunt Andrea thought Isabelle needed her own watermelon one! I'm not so sure what she thinks about the skirts and dresses I've been putting her in. See the progression...

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, we've made it to June! Sorry for the delay in postings. School is out in 2 days and I will get to spend the WHOLE summer with Isabelle! I can't wait! So... hopefully, I'll be able to post more frequently and you can see all the fun stuff she is doing!
This is one of Isabelle's swimsuits for the summer. Yes, that is right. One of them... she has 4 total! Why? Because she is a princess and a princess needs the perfect suit for all occasions! Thanks to "Aunt" Jenni for this one!

Isabelle is now fitting in her 6-9 month clothes. I remember looking at those clothes when she was born and thinking that she'd never be that big!

Isabelle is eating cereal now. We've also tried one veggie... sweet potatoes. Yum! As you can see, she loves it. She's thinking this is pretty fun stuff.

Grandma and Grandpa Herberger went to Barbados in January and brought back this cute little summer dress for Isabelle.

Future Panther perhaps? The shirt is a little snug now. I forgot I had gotten it for her when I was at UNI this past summer for one of my classes.

As you can see, Isabelle is growing so fast! We have her 6 month doctor appointment next week so, as always, we're anxious to see how much she has grown. I promise to update again soon now that I'll have more time again!