Saturday, April 5, 2008

Play Time!

On Wednesday, Isabelle will be 4 months old. It is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by. I have been back to work now for 2 weeks and I miss her like crazy everyday, but we are fortunate that she is staying with family now. Meanwhile, we have a countdown going... only 8 more weeks until I'm off for summer vacation! I can't wait! We laugh at how she always seems to pose for us.

We've learned that tummy time is much more enjoyable (for all) when a Boppy is involved.

Isabelle loves to lay on her blanket and read with Mommy.

We got out the Bumbo, but I don't think she is quite ready for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Posing for the camera, who does that remind you of mommy???

love grandma linda