Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spit Happens!

April has been a busy month for us. Isabelle is growing so fast. We can hardly believe it. We are learning how to juggle it all now that I am back to work. (Only 26 more days until summer break though!) During the week, Isabelle goes to Aunt Melissa's twice a week and Aunt Bekah's twice a week. She also gets to spend a day with Grandma Linda once a week at our house, which we especially love. It is so nice to know that family is taking care of our little girl. We appreciate their help so much! I can't wait to be home with her this summer though! :-)
This bib sums it up for Isabelle! She drools constantly now. We go through many bibs- and sometimes outfits- a day as a result. We do think she is beginning to teethe, but no teeth yet!
This is Isabelle's spot in the morning as she watches Mommy get ready. She is much more of a morning person than we are!

She loves to be propped up now so that she can see all that is going on. She especially likes to watch her cousins. She watches with wide eyes and likes to giggle at them.

Isabelle and I have been going on a lot more walks now that it is warming up... finally! She loves it! She also started facing forward in her Baby Bjorn and thinks it is pretty neat!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

4 months old!

Isabelle turned 4 months old on Wednesday. She now weighs 13 lbs. and 12 oz. and is 26 inches long. She is still in the 90th percentile for height! She is full of smiles! She is "talking" more and more everyday.

Isabelle and Mommy at the doctor's office... She decided to pee all over the table before I could get her diaper on. She thought it was so funny!

Isabelle had to get a shot and she handled it like a trooper. She cried a little bit, but once I picked her up and Jason distracted her, she was all smiles again.

Isabelle is ready for Spring to be here... for good!

She loves to sit up now. She is able to sit with support.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Play Time!

On Wednesday, Isabelle will be 4 months old. It is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by. I have been back to work now for 2 weeks and I miss her like crazy everyday, but we are fortunate that she is staying with family now. Meanwhile, we have a countdown going... only 8 more weeks until I'm off for summer vacation! I can't wait! We laugh at how she always seems to pose for us.

We've learned that tummy time is much more enjoyable (for all) when a Boppy is involved.

Isabelle loves to lay on her blanket and read with Mommy.

We got out the Bumbo, but I don't think she is quite ready for it!