Wednesday, December 19, 2007

She's here!

Isabelle Ann Karwal arrived on Sunday, December 9 at 9:32 PM. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. She is a very healthy little girl with a head full of dark hair! We think she is absolutely beautiful!

Jason and I went to the hospital around 6:00 AM on Sunday morning after my water broke at home. They admitted us around 7:00 AM and induced labor. It was a long day, ending in a C-section, but most of that is a blur now as I look at my precious little miracle. We had family there with us through the long haul and many family members and friends that visited us while in the hospital to welcome little Isabelle, despite the snowy and icy weather.

Isabelle, Mommy, Daddy are all doing great now! Isabelle has been a true blessing from God and we love her so much! She has figured us out already. She knows that Mommy and Daddy are head over heels for her and will do anything for her... even when she creates a big mess as we are changing her!

What a wonderful Christmas gift we have received! If you would like, you can go to the online nursery at Methodist Hospital by clicking on the link below and choosing December 9 to see Isabelle's coming home picture.

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