Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day... and then some!

My two loving little girls :)
I wish I had a Valentine picture to share, but our Valentine's Day took a quick turn for the worse and well... let's just say that Sophia's shirt was no longer wearable before I was able to get a picture of the two of them together. Yes, sickness has overtaken the Karwal house. This past weekend, Isabelle's runny nose had turned into a horrible cough that allowed no one to sleep. We took her to urgent care on Sunday and after starting antibiotics for pharyngitis she spiked a fever over the next two days. Poor babe was quite miserable. It's awful to have your babies sick... but I do enjoy the cuddle time! Meanwhile, Jason and I had both gotten colds as well. We were thanking our lucky stars that Sophia remained healthy. However, Monday night was a rough one. She also began refusing to eat or drink and what very little we did get in her, she couldn't keep down. While she acted fine for the most part during the day and did not have a fever, these were the same indicators we had last month when she got her first ear infection. So, I took her in to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon and sure enough... double ear infection. And as we have come to know with our dear Sophie, a simple cold or ear infection brings on a host of other issues. She vomited up her entire first dose of her antibiotics. Since then, she has had a fever, developed a rash, and has NOT been feeling well at all. For a girl who eats and drinks very little anyways, it is a constant battle when she is sick. The doctor prescribed a second antibiotic that might agree more with her GI tract, however, she immediately vomited it up as well. She is also having trouble keeping her reflux meds down which does not help matters. We ended up at the doctor again today and she went the route of an injection of antibiotics. The doctor also took a blood draw to look at her white blood cell count, which we are still waiting to hear back about. My little babe fell asleep in my arms at the doctor and is still napping now so I am praying that the new antibiotics are doing the trick.
Oh... to add to the fun, I had a minor outpatient procedure done on my leg yesterday which has me in a bandage type cast until Monday when I go in for round 2! Good times at the Karwal household!! :)
Thanks to all of you who have sent kind wishes our way. I pray that both of our girls will be feeling much better in the coming days. And I hope you and yours are all well!!
Sophie playing at the table while in her new stander. She loves it and tolerates it well. It is certainly hard work but very motivating to her!

My Belles, loving the nicer winter weather outside!

Sophia is learning to "scoot" herself around and is getting into all kinds of trouble. Of course, we are cheering her on!

Me and my girls enjoying the snow... finally!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Little Warrior

Sophia was cast for her SMOs (braces) on her 1st birthday. Here she is pictured with, Karen, her physical therapist at Blank.

Sophia standing in her new walker- the mini pacer. As I shared, she is mostly just standing in it. "Walking" takes a lot of guidance from Mommy... we are mostly working on teaching her (body and brain) the reciprocal movement... one foot in front of the other.

Daddy and Mommy both helping... it is often a family affair ;-)

Sophie is learning to like her creepy crawler. (Notice Isabelle coaching her forward!) This is one way she does some weight bearing through her arms. She can't actually move herself forward on it yet, but we use it to again help teach the reciprocal movements of crawling.

We are always so proud of all the efforts she makes. Her strength continues to improve!