Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A walk around the DSM library park...

Isabelle LOVES any kind of fountains. We have to allow extra time at church before and after for her to explore the fountain there!

Always stylin' :)

The infamous "egg hunt"!

Isabelle moved up to her "big girl bed" during the week of spring break! She has done great! We are so proud of her!


Wow... so I'm really not doing well with keeping this blog updated! Isabelle continues to keep us busy and we love every minute with her!
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Herberger's house. She now thinks there are going to be Easter eggs in the yard everytime we go there.

Easter morning at our house... she is all about that big bunny that brings her treats!

She did it! After almost 45 minutes in line, she actually sat on the Easter bunny's lap! I was so proud of her!

Coloring eggs... always an adventure!

The finished product!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Year!

2010... I can hardly believe it! We celebrated Isabelle's 2nd birthday on December 9 and now we are already embarking upon the new year! We are doing well and Isabelle continues to keep us on our toes. We love her to pieces and she knows it. :)
Some of her favorite sayings as of late:
1. "Hey you, stop it!" (endearing, huh?)
2. "Don't worry about it Mommy."
3. "I sorry."
4. "Yucks!" (when describing the yucks in her nose or ears)
5. "See you in a wittle bit."
6. "I go to Grandma's morrow." (or whatever else we tell her no about at the time!)
7. "I watch Do-Do-Dora for a wittle bit."
8. "Oh, man!"
9. "I take my vitim." (referring to her vitamin)
10. "Wuv you!" (melts my heart everytime!!)
Our little fashionista!

Elle loves her babies... all 30 of them!

Always ready to help :)

Hissing cockroaches... only at Grandma Karwal's!!