Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Innocent Little Girl

Isabelle and Mommy at cousin Shawn's wedding. She loved all of it - the cake, music, dancing and the drinking too... see below.

She quickly ditched her sippy cup once she saw what Mommy and Grandma were drinking from. Aunt Melissa kept giving her "shots" of water in her glass.

Loving to paint... thank God it is washable!

Her hair is getting so long that I can now pull it back in a ponytail.
A "real" haircut is probably just around the corner.

Isabelle and Jayda love to build castles and then knock them down... it's certainly not a quiet, little girl thing. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Time Flies...

It is hard to believe that the summer, as we know it, is coming to an end. My fellow teachers report to work tomorrow and I get to stay home with my beautiful little girl. I couldn't be happier! While I will miss my students and colleagues greatly, nothing can replace this time with my precious little girl!!
Isabelle and Jayda... best friends... most of the time :)

Isabelle had so much fun at the Omaha Zoo this summer. She (and daddy) especially liked the monkeys.

Isabelle and Jayda feeding the ducks at Jordan Creek Town Center.

We had a luau at Grandma and Grandpa Karwal's house this summer. The kids (young and old) had so much fun!