Sunday, May 24, 2009

Enjoying the outdoors!

Isabelle loves being outside. We sometimes throw a bit of a tantrum when it is time to go inside. Yes, I know, hard to believe this little angel has a naughty streak. ;)

Isabelle loves to help me in the flowerbed. She even has her own watering can. She was helping with mulch on this day.

As you can see, most of it ends up on her instead of in the flowerbed. :)

Isabelle loves her swing! She calls it her "wee".
Morning, noon, and night she wants to go "wee".

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Little Isabelle

Isabelle is a true blessing to us and we are reminded of this again and again. Taking time to smell the flowers!

Isabelle feeding her baby doll... what a big girl!

Isabelle loved coloring Easter eggs! Mommy and Daddy were ready to be done after about two eggs. :)

For some reason, Isabelle loves to carry around Mommy's shoes. I think she thinks she can persuade me to go outside or "bye-bye" (both of which she loves to do) if she brings the shoes to me.

Isabelle loves to eat spaghetti... or any kind of noodles! She's even perfected slurping the noodles up.