Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snowy days...

The snow sure doesn't seem to being going away anytime soon. We have been enjoying lots of days indoors staying warm! We did bring the snow inside one day as you can see from one of the pictures below. She loved it! We haven't really ventured out in it yet as she can't even stand wearing her coat when we are going places. Therefore, I can't see her being thrilled if I stick her in snowpants too... she just wants to be able to MOVE! And that she is... she isn't walking yet but has started a "tripod" sort of walking so I think her time is coming soon! Not sure I'm ready!

Playing with snow... she loved to eat it too! Yuck!

Isabelle has so much fun with her cousin Jayda. Here they were sailing in their "boat".

Monday, January 12, 2009

A New Year!

Happy New Year! We wish you all happiness and health in 2009! Here are some recent pictures of our little Isabelle... Isabelle and Jayda

Isabelle loves exploring new places! She's just never quite sure how to get out of them. This one ended in a minor injury. :)

She likes to "help" me do the laundry.

And finally, she discovered a cupboard she CAN get into! What fun!

Isabelle likes to practice her scowl... and she certainly has it down!
She loves playing with her new kitchen set. She pretends to cook and eat
and even shares with us. It is so cute!