Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Isabelle will be one in less than a month and she is getting into everything now! She loves to explore everywhere... especially places she shouldn't be!
Shortly after this picture was taken, she tipped and fell out of the basket... oops!

She loves Mommy's shoes!

Grandma Karwal let Isabelle play with Christmas beads and she loved them!

This is my old rocking chair from when I was young- she thinks it is so fun to rock in. Check out her wild hair. It is getting difficult to tame these days. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here are some pictures from Isabelle's 1st Halloween. She wasn't so sure about the costume bit, but did love her light up Halloween socks and the pumpkins on our fireplace! Now that she is crawling we can't keep her away from them. :)
Isabelle, Emma, and Elizabeth (neighborhood friends). Laura, Deanna, and I all tried getting a picture of them actually looking at us but it just didn't happen! Maybe next year!

Cousin Jayda and Kaela came over to go trick-or-treating. They had lots of fun!

Isabelle in her froggy costume!

Happy Halloween!