Friday, July 18, 2008

7 months old

Everyone always asks if she is really this happy all the time. We can easily say that most of the time she is a happy little girl. She is absolutely loving summer!! We head to the Ozarks tomorrow so we should get some good pictures of her first vacation to post soon.

Isabelle sporting her sarong from the Carribean...

On July 9, Isabelle was 7 months old. Aunt Bekah, Uncle Justin, and the boys gave her this bear for her baptism. She loves it! The bear is exactly the size she is right now.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

Isabelle had a great first 4th of July! We had family over for grilling out, Olympic games ;-) and fireworks. Isabelle actually seemed to like the fireworks. She sat quietly watching them on my lap. Grandma Linda bought her this bib... her very own... not a Jayda hand-me-down! (Not that we don't love the Jayda hand-me-downs.)

Isabelle enjoyed swimming with her cousins Jayda and Jace. She liked it up until the point when the other two started splashing and she got water poured on her head. Oh well, that is what big cousins are for! She is almost sitting up on her own now!

Isabelle is always grinning... even with a bad case of diaper rash!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Isabelle's Baptism

Isabelle was baptized at St. John's Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 29. Pastor Rachel performed the service. Pastor Rachel married us in July 2006 so it was very special to us to have her baptize Isabelle. Isabelle was great... she didn't even cry when she was "dunked" as Jason puts it.The dress that Isabelle is wearing in this picture is the same one that my mom and I were baptized in. After two generations, it is a little worn, but is still beautiful. She wore her own dress for the actual baptism on Sunday.

Isabelle being blessed by Pastor Rachel.

Isabelle looking out at the church...

My mom and Jason's mom were her sponsors.

We had family come over after the service to celebrate with a special lunch and cake of course!

Isabelle and her cake! Yum!