Saturday, March 29, 2008

Isabelle's 1st Easter

Happy Easter!

Daddy & Isabelle ~ Easter Morning

Mommy & Isabelle ~ Easter Morning

An Easter basket that is just her size! This basket (and the duckling too) is one that I won in an Easter egg hunt when I was young. I was so proud of it and Mom saved it all these years!

Isabelle and Jayda looked precious in their pretty Easter dresses. I'm not sure what they were looking at here... probably their big cousin Alexis who is always putting on quite a show!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Always a princess... and sometimes a pouty one!
Isabelle and I were tired of the cold weather so... we decided to take a stroll inside one day. She loved it!
Finally, it was warm enough last week to get outside! We bundled her up and took her for her first walk around the neighborhood.
Isabelle joined the girls for a shopping excursion over to Williamsburg last week. We had lots of fun!

Isabelle's New Bookshelf

Grandpa & Grandma Herberger made Isabelle a beautiful bookshelf for her room. In November, my students hosted a baby shower for me and each gifted Isabelle a favorite book so the shelves are filled with many books already and we look forward to adding more over the years. Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa! We LOVE it!

Monday, March 10, 2008

3 months old!

Isabelle was 3 months on Sunday. We had her pictures taken and she was cooperative for the most part. She gave us lots of smiles. However, after a change of clothes, she (and Jason) decided they were done with pictures. Getting ready to go to Aunt Bekah's! She is so darn cute!
A happy 3 months!
Look what I learned how to do!
Isabelle could care less for her pacifiers, but she enjoys sucking her thumb and usually her entire fist.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

She's so happy!

Isabelle will be 3 months this coming Sunday. I can not believe how much she has grown. Isabelle has recently been joined by two new friends. Olivia Christine, daughter of Joe and Sara, was born on February 26 and Brenna Aubrey, daughter of Tally and Matt, was born on March 3. Both babies weighed more than Isabelle at birth but as I held Brenna last night, I could not believe how small she seemed compared to Isabelle. I guess it is true how quickly you forget that they were once so tiny. I'm not really sure that I'm ready for her to grow up just yet!
How can you not LOVE that face?

Isabelle and Aunt Andrea

Isabelle loves to lay on our bed and watch the ceiling fan. Who knew? I guess we didn't need those mobiles after all!

Thank you Grandpa Karwal for my warm piggy slippers!

Thank you Jenni! My parents love this one!