Sunday, February 24, 2008


Isabelle absolutely loves her mobiles! Here she is looking at the ladybug mobile above her crib.

Isabelle loves hanging out with her Daddy.
(I'm not so sure about the look he created here, but she seems content!)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

She's getting big!

Isabelle went to the doctor last week for her 2 month check-up. All is well! She weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz. and is 23 1/4 in. long. She is cooing and giggling a lot now. It is precious!
Isabelle is starting to like tummy time a little better now. She is working on lifting her head up.
On lazy mornings, Isabelle likes to snuggle in Mommy and Daddy's bed!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our Little Valentine

Isabelle is 2 months old now! Grandma Deb and I had fun taking some Valentine pictures of her on her big day. Hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Almost 2 months old!

It is hard to believe how quickly the time passes. She has grown so much already! Jason and I are anxious to see how much she weighs when we take her to the doctor next week for her 2 month check-up.

She finally fits in her "coming home" outfit!

All cuddly in her sleep sack!

One of my students made this hat for Isabelle. How sweet!

Isabelle and Cousin Jayda

Jason had to fly out to D.C. for work last week so Isabelle and I visited my parents for a few days. Isabelle was able to spend lots of time with her cousin Jayda!Jayda loves Isabelle! She always wants to grab at her so we are working on "nice hands".

Jayda and Isabelle received matching outfits from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Dennis so we just had to get some pictures! However, the girls weren't very cooperative for picture time.