Thursday, January 24, 2008

She's all smiles!

Isabelle is smiling more and more each day!
We love it... her smiles are quite contagious!

She was giggling when I took this picture.
This one is for Great Grandma Patti.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Karwal

Grandma Deb and Isabelle

Isabelle went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Karwal at their house for the first time this past weekend. Grandma Deb hosted a shower for Isabelle. It was great to see everyone and Isabelle was able meet some people for the first time!

(The hat in this picture is the one Isabelle was supposed to wear home from the hospital. Since it pretty much covered her entire face at that time, Grandma Linda had to knit one for her to wear home. She finally fits into this one now!)

Great Grandma Dora and Isabelle

Great Grandma Vivian and Isabelle

Four generations of Karwals...

(Bryan, Vivian, Jason, and Isabelle)

Aunt Bekah and Isabelle

She's 6 weeks old!

Isabelle was 6 weeks old yesterday! She is starting to fit into more of her clothes and I am having so much fun dressing her!

She has grown so much! She can finally fit in her front carrier!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Isabelle loves her swing!
She is mesmerized by the birds and butterflies circling above her!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Splish Splash!

Okay, so there is not really a lot of splashing going on just yet, but she is beginning to like her baths!

She especially likes being cuddled in her hooded towels afterward!

And finally, pajama time! And... sleepy time! Baths do wonders for fussy babies!

Isabelle's Stomping Grounds

I thought I would post some pictures of the nursery for those of you that are unable to visit. Due to my lack of patience, we ended up painting the room green in early July before we knew if we were having a girl or a boy. It is decorated with dragonflies, ladybugs, and butterflies. We really like how it turned out and we think Isabelle does too!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

She's so confused!

Who do they want me to like? Daddy says ISU. Mommy says the Hawkeyes!

I really like the slippers Judy gave me... they're fuzzy and warm! Go Hawkeyes!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hangin' with the boys!

Isabelle had her first play date a few days ago! Okay... so it was really an excuse for the Moms to get together. We went over to Kristin's house to play with Grant, Matthew, and Baby Luke. Isabelle spent the majority of the time sleeping, of course, but she was happy to finally meet the boys!

Isabelle has also started enjoying her Baby Einstein floor gym!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The "Grand" parents

Grandma Linda

Grandpa Dennis

Grandpa Don

Grandma Deb and Grandpa Bryan

"Four Generations"

Grandpa Reinert, Grandma Reinert, Mom, Me, & Isabelle

The grandparents absolutely cherish little Isabelle or "Izzy" as some of them like to call her. Here they are with Isabelle over the holidays!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Isabelle's 1st Christmas

Isabelle had a wonderful first Christmas! We think it is safe to say that she is already a bit spoiled. Her Great Grandpa Karwal has nicknamed her Queen Isabelle and Jason and I think that is quite fitting! Her magesty received much attention over the holidays and many, many gifts. It was a blessed Christmas for all!

Isabelle continues to amaze us each and every day. She has been much more alert in the last week or so. She sleeps between 3 and 4 hours at a time usually which consequently mimics her feeding schedule. She is healthy and has quickly outgrown her preemie clothes which she had to wear when she first came home. At her 2 week check-up on December 27 she weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and measured 20 1/2 inches long.