Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hoping you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We had our 36 week appointment the day after Thanksgiving and the doctor tells us baby is right on schedule. She is positioned head down and has enjoyed kicking her Mommy in the ribs lately. Mommy isn't complaining though... she loves to feel her kick! Our next appointment is Monday, December 3. Jason and I both feel a bit nervous at the realization that we may not make it to our next appointment. We are very excited and anxious! Our bags are packed and it's all up to her now!

Jayda is ready for her cousin to join her!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

34 weeks and counting...

Hi everyone,

We decided to give this a try so that we could share our little miracle with all! Alicia is 34 weeks now and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little girl. The room is ready, the bags are packed, and Mom and Dad are only a little bit nervous! We have a feeling that she is going to surprise us in early December. We'll see!